Strings Exercises#


For the given text below, print versions that are capitalized, in uppercase, in lowercase, and titled.

text = 'thE gOOd, The Bad aNd The uGLY'


For the given text below, answer the following questions by applying the appropriate methods and print the outputs:

  • Does it start with ‘T’?

  • Does it end with ‘c’?

  • Find the index of the first occurrence of ‘T’.

  • Find the index of the second occurrence of ‘T’.

  • Find the number of characters.

  • Are there any digits in the text?

  • Replace ‘T’s with ‘R’s.

  • Swap the cases (Swap the cases (convert lowercase letters to uppercase and vice versa).

text = 'TiTANiC'


Write a program that prompts the user for a 6-digit positive number. Find the sum of the digits of this number without using algebraic operations other then addition.

  • Example: If the given number is 123456, then the sum of digits is 1+2+3+4+5+6=21


Write a program that prompts the user for a 4-digit positive number. Swap the first two digits of the given number with the last two digits and print it.

  • Avoid using algebraic operations and instead use string indexing.

  • Example 1: If the given number is 1234, then print 3412.

    • Print format: 1234 —- swap—> 3412

  • Example 2: If the given number is 6789, then print 8967.

    • Print format: 6789 —- swap—> 8967


Use the three variables provided below to construct the string ‘XFoas’

x, y, z = 'fLoRida', 'tExaS', 'aRizOna'


Extract the height of the first player without the ‘cm’ part using the provided player information.

  • Use the find() function.

If you change the variable name from player1_info to player2_info in your code, you should obtain the height of the second player.

player1_info = 'robert_brown,Height:1.834cM,Weight:75.25kg'
player2_info = 'richard_smith,heighT:1.92cm,Weight:98.65kg'

Question-7: House#

Display the following house by using the repetition of strings.

Question-8: Password#

Write a program that generates a password consisting of one random letter, punctuation, and non-zero digit.

  • Import letters, punctuations, and digits from the string module.

  • Choose random integers that can be an index for a letter, punctuation, or digit.