Dictionaries Exercises#

Section Title: Dictionaries Exercises


Create a dictionary with the pairs: (‘Banana’, 100), (‘Cherry’,20), (‘Apple’,200), (‘Pear’,75 ) which corresponds to fruit inventory of a market in the form of name and number of boxes of the fruits. Perform the following operations on it, printing it after each operation:

  • Add a new pair (‘Strawberry’, 130).

  • Add all pairs in the following dictionary: (‘Peach’,90),(‘Pineapple’,40) .

  • Remove the pair of Pear.

  • Verify if ‘Peach’ is a key in the dictionary.

  • Verify if ‘Orange’ is not a key in the dictionary.

  • Verify if 75 is a value in the dictionary.

  • Print the number of pairs in the dictionary.

  • Print the sum of values in the dictionary.

  • Print the maximum value in the dictionary.

  • Print the minimum value in the dictionary.


Create a list containing the keys from the provided dictionary, where the corresponding values are even numbers.

state_num = {'NY':135, 'TX':236, 'FL':207, 'CA':140, 'NJ':98, 'MO':175, 'AZ':124}


Create a new dictionary with the same keys as the “grades” dictionary, but with the values being the average of the test scores for each student.

grades = {'Jack':[100,90,95], 'Ashley':[85,90,95], 'Frank':[100,100,70]}


Generate a list using list comprehension containing the ID numbers from the per_info dictionary.

  • Compare the length of the generated list with the number of pairs in the per_info dictionary to verify if all ID numbers are unique.

per_info = {'Tom': {'ID':156, 'Age':24, 'Gender':'M', 'State':'NJ'},
            'Liz': {'ID':179, 'Age':27, 'Gender':'F', 'State':'AZ'},
            'Joe': {'ID':102, 'Age':21, 'Gender':'M', 'State':'TX'},
            'Bob': {'ID':101, 'Age':29, 'Gender':'M', 'State':'FL'},
            'Eli': {'ID':198, 'Age':26, 'Gender':'F', 'State':'CA'},
            'Ian': {'ID':129, 'Age':27, 'Gender':'M', 'State':'NY'},
            'Amy': {'ID':145, 'Age':24, 'Gender':'F', 'State':'NY'},


If the current year is 2020, calculate the birth year of each person from the per_info dictionary and add the key-value pair ‘Birth year’: birth_year to the dictionary for each person.


Generate a dictionary containing two key-value pairs representing the gender type and the number of persons belonging to that type. Plot a bar chart to visually represent the keys and their corresponding values.